GCA: GCA hit 3300 downloads at e23 back on January 18, 2009. Sales are still slowing, but rebounded some from the last low point.
Timey Wimey.
I just discovered that Georgia Moffett, the actress who played the Doctor’s daughter on the new Doctor Who episode “The Doctor’s Daughter” (which I watched on DVD yesterday), is actually the daughter of Peter Davison, who previously played an earlier incarnation of the Doctor. Awesome.
Seasons Greetings!
Happy Holidays! Merry Christmas! Happy Hanukkah! Joyous Kwanzaa! Have a nice day! Whatever floats your boat, enjoy this time of year with your friends and family.
And more snow.
Yesterday, another storm front moved in, and it snowed all day, dumping inches of snow on the ground. More snow is falling even now. Today’s new snow is falling on top of a crust of ice from freezing rain late last night, which made for an interesting hard shell to stomp through when tromping about in the snow this afternoon.
Undetered by the falling snow yesterday, Kevin was out driving around with Gen, and since he ended up in my area, he invited me out for lunch and a movie. It was nice to be out in the snow, and Kevin’s Jeep did pretty well driving in it. As the afternoon progressed, fewer people were on the roads, but I was still surprised at how many folks were out shopping, seeing movies, and other non-vital things.
How much snow was falling, and how it just kept coming was strangely exciting to me. Probably a throwback to my youth, when it would mean no school, and sledding down the hill. I did wish that I was a cross-country skiier, so I could be out doing something fun in the fine white powder.
I’ve put some pics of the current snowfall into my Flickr stream.
Not so sure about this:
The Yawn Explained: It Cools Your Brain
but at least it’s another possible reason for yawning.
This amused me:
Snow day.
We had a couple inches of snow today, as well as it being very cold (27°F outside right now. and dropping steadily). We don’t often have snow and sub-freezing temperatures. It’s supposed to get even colder over the next few days, with daytime highs in the 20’s and overnight lows in the low teens. Cold! I posted a couple pics of the snow, taken from my front door, to my Flickr stream.
GCA Note
GCA: GCA hit 3203 downloads at e23 today (November 25, 2008). In other GCA milestone news: a few days ago, on November 20, 2008, GCA hit its lowest point yet for 30 day downloads: 37.
I’m not much of a photographer, but I do like snapping the occasional pic. In the past, I’d sometimes post random pics into my Photo of the Moment page, but I haven’t done that in a while. In the future, I’ll be using my Flickr stream for such things, and you can find my most recent Flickr pics over on the right side (I only have two so far). Advance warning: I’ll be using my phone camera for such things, too, and it’s kinda crappy, so not all the pics will turn out very well.
GCA Note
GCA: GCA hit 3101 downloads at e23 back on September 20, 2008.